Saturday, April 21, 2012


Guest Editorial: Christmas 2000 is here and people everywhere are preparing to celebrate this special holiday. For some it means only a few extra days off work; for others a time when families can get together to celebrate, for others it is a time of gift giving and Santa Claus and for still others it is a religious holiday commemorating the birth of the Christ Child born in poverty two centuries ago. This Christmas the spiritual aspect of the season has much more meaning than ever before because of the events that took place during the past year.Six short months ago emblazoned on the front page of the Wausau Daily Herald were pictures of our home of 32 years engulfed in flames. The place we raised our children, all or our belongings including heirloom antiques, scrapbooks of memories, clothing...almost everything was gone. Standing, helpless, while watching it burn, my wife remembered that we were to pick up her mother to take her to have her hearing tested and placed a cell phone call to her sister to do the task. Her sister upon hearing the news, amidst tears looked at the coffee mug she was holding, gasped, and read to my wife the words printed on the cup 'Take Courage, I have everything under control...Jesus.' A coincidence, perhaps, but then how does one explain the print of the 'Serenity Prayer' and a copy of Tim Hansel's uplifting Christian book, You Gotta Keep Dancin', removed from the fire moments later. Then, if that wasn't enough, at 4:30 the next morning I found a copy of an open Bible only slightly charred resting on a pile of embers in the foundation. But what does having everything under control mean? It could have been the fact that we had reviewed our insurance coverage earlier in the year, or the help of the Town of Texas firefighters, Red Cross and Salvation Army at the time of the fire. Perhaps it was in the community that stepped forward to help and encourage us--friends, family, neighbors, our employees, people from various churches in the community, merchants, building contractors and suppliers.Support and encouragement came from everywhere and we are filled with gratitude to so many. Perhaps His hand was in the lessons that we have learned and can pass on to others. Lessons like: unplug the toaster or coffee pot when leaving your home, review your insurance coverage (including personal property) on a annual basis, keep an inventory of household belongings, have a fireproof safe for important papers, keep your computer backups in a separate location. Other lessons we learned, or were reminded of included: people and relationships are much more important than stuff that we accumulate, when you are helpless it is time to reach out to others, little notes and calls saying 'I'm thinking of you' or 'you're in our prayers' provide tremendous support, allow others to help when they offer, and sometimes all you can say is thank you...and that's enough. Today we are in our new home, unfinished but constructed in less than 6 months. Our God has revealed Himself to us in so many ways this year and that makes this Christmas especially significant. More than just a babe in a manger He shows Himself in events, through people, and in a special ongoing relationship. Take time this Christmas to attend Church and look for His hand in the events and people you meet throughout the coming year. The Webster's home burned to the ground on June 16 and the story reported in the Wausau Daily Herald on Saturday June 17. Lee is the founder and director of the Center for Human Development a counseling center providing services to the community for over 25 years.

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